
Human ageing

The Science Behind Wear and Tear Theory of Aging

Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases Understanding Wear And Tear Theory of Aging Aging is a natural process, as we age, our body deteriorate. The wear Tear theory explains how the accumulated cellular damage leads to physical damage over time. According to this theory cellular damage is the reason  behind Aging.  Key takeaways * This theory explains the role of DNA                   mutations, Impacts of free  -   radicals  and  protein   modifications * The theory  explains how the accumulated cellular damage leads to Aging * This theory helps to Identify the environmental factors that accelerate wear and tear, and how can one adopt preventive measures.  * This theory provide an insights into the basic biological mechanism related to age decline *  exploring the connection between Tear and Wear and Age related diseases.  Wear and Tear theory:Orgin and...

Genome Editing Technologies

Genome Editing: A Comprehensive Guide Genome-editing Recently Genome editing has seen remarkable advancement in the field of medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. Genome editing started in 1990s.There are many Platforms available for genetical editing, they are ZFNs (zinc finger nucleases), TALENs (transcription activator-like effector nucleases), Meganucleases, CRISPR/ Cas systems etc. Cas systems is more efficient and convenient compared to other platforms.  1.CRISPR-Cas Systems.  CRISPR (Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats)-Cas systems are famous for it's simplicity and efficiency, they are widely used for Gene-editing in recent years. When a bacterium infected by bacteriophage- virus, bacterial immune system, that's Crispr-Cas systems protect them. Crispr-Cas9 system found in streptococcus pyogenes , when virus attack this bacteria the Cas9- system detect it and bacteria produced a guide RNA ( gRNA ) that's complementary to viral DNA , i...


Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases An Introduction to Anti-Aging Supplements Anti-aging supplements Aging is natural,but many people maintain youthful vitality by consuming anti-aging supplements . Now a days these supplements are getting wide popularity, as people seak overall wellbeing and vitality. Demand for anti-anging supplements raising as global population ages. Today the anti-aging market projected to reach over 421 billion dollars.  Anti-Aging Supplements: Key ingredients.  1. resveratrol : Resveratrol  is a polyphenolic compound, it can be extracted from  grapes, cocoa, blueberries, cranberries,and many fruits and seeds. This compund is antioxidant, Anti-inflammatory,and neuro protective and cardio vascular protective. It also a regulator of glucose and lipids. It protect us from cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancer, alzheimer's etc. It is a best option for heart health and age-related diseases. It also activate c...

Science of Aging:Insight from evolutionary theory

Everything about human ageing and related  diseases Human Life cycle Image credit: Pixabay   Aging is universal phenomenon, seen in all living organisms. Evolutionary senescent theory , helps to understand Aging mechanism deeply and provide a deep insight into the survival strategies of different animal species. This theory is focusing on how natural selection affects Aging , and longevity . The theory teach us the complex interaction between environment, gens, and body functions. Key takeaway # T his theory give us a deep insight into the complex interplay between, physiological  genetical and environmental factors that shapes Aging mechanism of living Organisms.  # Evolutionary senescent theory,tells you how natural selection influence Aging and life span.  #This theory help us to understand the evolution of life and longevity.  Evolutionary Senescent Theory: An Introduction This theory unravel the mysteries of Aging and senescence . The researche...

Understanding the DNA Damage Theory of Aging: Implications for Longevity and Health

DNA Damage Theory DNA damage by UV rays Image credit: Wikipedia  DNA Damage Theory helps to understand how long we live and our health. As we age genetically our cells become more and more damaged, this can be called as cellular aging The theory shows that  Our DNA can hurt inany ways, fr The om inside our bodies and from outside. Things like environmental factors and Oxidative stress can harm our DNA .  Key takeaways • DNA can be damage by   environmental      exposures and oxidative  stress.  • The DNA damage theory explain how    accumulated genetic damage contribute to     cellular aging and impact overall health • Understanding the mechanism of DNA damage is necessary for developing intervention to extend lifespan.  • Ongoing researches are focusing on DNA damage, cellular senescence, and age related diseases.  • DNA repair and reduce the effect of DNA damage, may promote healthy aging. Und...

Programmed Theory of Aging

Aging      Image credit pixabay. Com Understanding the Programmed Theory of Aging:A Comprehensive Guide The mystery of Aging has puzzled humans for centuries. While we can't stop time, scientists have explored the theories that explain why we are growing older. One of the prominent idea is The programmed theory of aging, this theory suggest that aging is n't random, instead a process controlled by our gene.  The Enigma of Aging:A Biological puzzle Aging is a complex puzzle made up of many pieces. Each piece represent biological changes,environmental factors and life choices.  As we try to fit together, we realize that aging involve both our genetics and experiences Programmed Aging:A central Theory in Gerontology Programmed aging proposes that we have a biological clock ticking down through the life. This concept grounded in genetics, implying that our cells are pre-programmed to age and die. This theory stands in contrast to wear and tear theory. Which empha...

T Cell programing to reverse aging

  T_cell                                                                 Image credit: Wikipedia T Cell Programming for Age Reversal:  An Overview Introduction As the global population ages, researchers are increasingly focused on understanding the biological mechanisms of aging and exploring innovative strategies for age reversal. One of the promising avenues currently being investigated is T cell programming. This approach seeks to leverage the immune system’s natural capabilities to rejuvenate cellular function, enhance regeneration, and potentially reverse age-related declines in health.  Understanding T Cells T cells are a type of lymphocyte that play a critical role in the adaptive immune response. They are essential for identifying and eliminating pathogens, coordinating immune responses, and mainta...