
Showing posts with the label D.N.A-damage-accumulation

The Science Behind Wear and Tear Theory of Aging

Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases Understanding Wear And Tear Theory of Aging Aging is a natural process, as we age, our body deteriorate. The wear Tear theory explains how the accumulated cellular damage leads to physical damage over time. According to this theory cellular damage is the reason  behind Aging.  Key takeaways * This theory explains the role of DNA                   mutations, Impacts of free  -   radicals  and  protein   modifications * The theory  explains how the accumulated cellular damage leads to Aging * This theory helps to Identify the environmental factors that accelerate wear and tear, and how can one adopt preventive measures.  * This theory provide an insights into the basic biological mechanism related to age decline *  exploring the connection between Tear and Wear and Age related diseases.  Wear and Tear theory:Orgin and...