
Showing posts with the label chemical cocktails

Age reversal by chemical cocktail

 Cellinsight Everything about human ageing and related diseases Can a chemical cocktail  reverse aging? Loss of Cellular information   is one of the most important reason for  ageing . In a multicellular organism, the informations are stored in  genome  and  epigenome , genome consist of complete information about the cell and the living organism.  Age-reversal-chemical-technique     Harvard genetics professor  Mr. David Sinclair  and his team identified a chemical cocktail,they claim this cocktail can reverse aging. The cocktail is a mixture of six or more chemicals. The chemicals includes..  Valproic   acid ,  pramipexole ,  tranylcypromine  ete.There findings published in AGING journal on July 12, 2023. Before we go deep in to the topic we should understand, what are stem cells.  Cellular   Senescence ,  Yemanaka   factors ,  DNA   methylation  etc.  Stem ce...